Acumen Logs Zapier Integration

Our Zapier integration allows you to integrate your Acumen Logs platform with Zapier. This integration will allow you to automate tasks and workflows between Acumen Logs and other applications.

Create a Zap

  1. Within your Zapier dashboad, click create and select New Zap

Adding a trigger

  1. Add a trigger and search for Acumen Logs
  2. Select Acumen Logs
  3. When the trigger is selected you will then be able to select an event (Synthetic or uptime test failed)
  4. Then click acount and sign in to your Acumen Logs acount
  5. Switch to the Test tab and select Test trigger

Adding an action

  1. Search for any action from the Zapier apps. For this example we will select Google Sheets
  2. Select the Acount tab and sign in to Google Sheets
  3. Select the Action tab and select the Google sheet where the output of the trigger should be stored
  4. Select test and publish your zap