Website & Application Monitoring and Synthetic testing

Elevate Your Online Presence with Comprehensive Monitoring

Test and Monitor

Ensure the optimal performance of your websites with our comprehensive website monitoring and performance testing tools. Detect issues before they affect your users and maintain a flawless online presence.
Add Synthetic tests to monitor fundamental features of your app to ensure all functionality works as expected.
Landing Pages
Landing Pages
Maximize the effectiveness of your landing pages with detailed performance analysis. Monitor load times, conversion rates, and user engagement to optimize your marketing campaigns.
User Journey
User Journey
Track the complete user journey on your website, from entry to conversion. Identify bottlenecks and optimize the path to conversion for a seamless user experience.

Simple pricing for all business sizes


$0.00 /month
Get started
  • No setup, or hidden fees
  • 1 Synthetic test
  • 1 Uptime check
  • 1 SSL check


$39.99 /month
Get started
  • No setup, or hidden fees
  • All in Free plus
  • RUM Monitoring
  • Team Collaboration


$149.99 /month
Get started
  • No setup, or hidden fees
  • All in Pro plus
  • Schedule from 15 min
  • Slack & Teams


$399.99 /month
Get started
  • No setup, or hidden fees
  • All in Pro plus
  • Schedule from 1 hour
  • Integration support

Features to help you discover more

Network & Console Error Monitoring

200, 300, 400, 500, console errors we catch them all. We detect issues as they happen, ensuring you get alerted before your users

Video & Screenshots

Gain deeper insights into your website's performance with video recordings and screenshots. See exactly what your users see to identify and resolve issues quickly.

User Journey Testing

Elevate user satisfaction by optimizing user journeys through comprehensive testing. Ensure every step of the user experience meets your standards.

Alerts & Notifications

Stay in control of your website's performance with instant alerts and notifications. Be the first to know about issues so you can take action swiftly.

Docker Integration for Deployment
Docker Integration for Deployment
Use our container to run tests within your deployment pipelines.
Scheduled Monitoring
Scheduled Monitoring
With scheduled monitoring, you can save time by automating the monitoring process
Embark on your free testing journey today!
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© 2024 Synthetic Application Monitoring | Uptime monitoring & RUM (Real User Monitoring) By Acumen Logs